
The School Health Nurse visits the school and checks children of Kindergarten and Pre-primary age for physical development and follows up any problems that may be noted.

Parents are welcome to make contact with the Health Nurse while she is in the school on matters affecting the health of their children.

Illness and emergency at school

Sick children should be kept home from school. They are usually unhappy within themselves and may infect others. Also the school does not have the facilities to cater for them. Minor illness or injury, occurring during the day, will normally be treated at school. In more serious emergencies every endeavour will be made to contact a parent to arrange for the child to be collected from school. In extreme emergencies the child may be taken to a medical practitioner before parents can be notified.

It is essential that all parents provide an up-to-date contact number through which they can be reached in the event of an emergency.

Anne Hamersley Dental Therapy Centre

16 Dunnett Drive Ellenbrook 6069
Dental Therapy Centre, for our school is located at Anne Hamersley Primary School.
Open Monday – Thursday
8:00 am – 4:00 pm
9297 7021