
Open Hours

Ellen’s Lunchbox is open from 8:30 am Tuesday –  Friday (closed on Monday)

Download a copy of the Canteen Menu

All menu items meet the Department of Education’s Healthy Food and Drink Policy and meet the requirements set by the compulsory Traffic Light Healthy Eating Policy.

Support our canteen

Volunteers are always welcome at Ellen’s Lunchbox, if you have a few spare hours. Our Canteen relies on the support of parents. If you can spare a few hours please contact Ellen’s Lunchbox.

Phone 6497 4249

It would be great to see some new faces, so come in and enjoy a cuppa and a chat and Chantelle can show you around.

Ordering your child’s lunch or recess

Lunch Bags

Lunch bags are available at the canteen or front office. Re-useable lunch bags can be purchased from the Canteen for $10.00. The paper bags can also be purchased from most supermarkets.

Write ‘Recess’ or ‘Lunch’ on the bag, your child’s name, class teacher, room number and food ordered.

When using a lunch bag remember to use one bag for recess and one bag for lunch, do not staple or tape the bag and include the correct money for the order.

Lunch orders can be placed in the Lunch Basket in your child’s classroom or handed in at the Canteen.

Kindy and Pre-primary students cannot order recess, ice creams or icy poles

Online Canteen

How to use Our Online Canteen at


  • create an account
  • add credit
  • load your child’s profile
  • order by 9:00 am

There is also an app available for your smart phone.

Getting the order from the Canteen

Your child’s teacher will arrange for orders to be collected from the Canteen during the meal breaks. The meals are distributed to the students in class.

Icy poles and ice creams  are collected by the student from the Canteen after the lunch play bell.

Purchasing food from the canteen during recess and lunch

Students can come to the Canteen window to purchase food and drinks at recess and lunch. The full menu may not be available, but the Canteen Assistants can inform your child what food can be purchased.